Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are now recognised as critical components of local, regional, and national transport strategies worldwide. ITS can help improve safety and security, reduce congestion and enhance environmental quality, resulting in significant economic and social benefits.

ITS Arab is a professional, non-for-profit organisation dedicated to working with the public and private organisations in the Middle-East and North Africa (MENA).

ITS Arab assists with the deployment of ITS technologies to enhance safety, security, efficiency and sustainability.

Our missions are to advocate for and facilitate a partnership environment where healthy and sustainable, world-leading ITS solutions are developed and maintained.


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By admin / December 17, 2023
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By admin / December 17, 2023
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By admin / December 17, 2023
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Our values


ITS solutions must be grounded in substantial research if they are to be truly impactful.

Our data analysis identifies the most cost-effective solutions for injecting transport logistics and market mobility with a new spark of life.

Our customers receive deployment plans that are broken-down into discrete, achievable milestones. These milestones are supplemented with time, labour and other resource cost estimations.


Through innovation, creative ITS solutions can be implemented even in the most dynamic and unique market circumstances.

Our staff are experienced with quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills to optimise your public infrastructure even on a limited budget.

Sustainable growth

It is crucial to protect the future of your business and our planet. As a result, our ITS optimisation and deployment plans take into account carbon emissions as an operational cost (OPEX).

Reducing carbon protects our planet, helps create more sustainable public infrastructure and boosts profitability for your business.